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Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR for original mounting points with 2 screws with carbon airduct
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR for original mounting points with 2 screws with carbon airduct
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR for original mounting points with 2 screws with carbon airduct (3)
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR for original mounting points with 2 screws with carbon airduct
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR for original mounting points with 2 screws with carbon airduct B
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR with carbon airduct-original mounting points for quick releases
Honda CBR 1000 RR 20-FHR with carbon airduct-original mounting points for quick releases

Verkleidungshalter aluminium racing CBR 1000 RR 20-mit Carbon Luftröhre

Basispreis285 €
Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass:
Brutto-Verkaufspreis: 285 €
Zusammen ohne Mwst.von: 285 €
Mwst.Höhe 21%:
Farbe Auswahl
Art der Verkleidungen